Your Loss of Father
(Browse the website for similar cards.) — I want to express my condolences to you, sending this “Thinking of You on Your Loss of Father – Condolence Message” card. I want you to know that I share your sadness on this “Thinking of You on Your Loss of Father” condolences message card.
Description of the “Your Loss of Father” Card
This card consists of a white wooden frame that stands among the mauve flowers. We hope you enjoy this card, which has an elegant composition. The words in the white frame in the middle of the card are as follows: “Thinking of you on your time of loss. May the lessons your father gave you last a lifetime and may you always feel his spirit nearby.”
Thinking of You on Your Loss of Father – Condolence Message:
Family, Father 01 – Condolences Sympathy Grief Loss Messages, Words of Comfort, and best RIP messages … For more condolence and sympathy cards like this “Thinking of You on Your Loss of Father, Condolence Message” card you can have a look at Family Sympathy Cards Category of the website and find more condolences messages and sympathy cards to share on Facebook. You can also find the best RIP, condolences and sympathy message cards on Facebook. Of course, you can send this “So Sorry For Your Loss Condolence Message” card to a friend who has recently lost their father.